New Schedule for the Next Few Weeks!

Hi there! I was reminded that I’d double-scheduled our next class, so I have changed the schedule! Here is the new schedule, and see below for information about preparations for next class!
29 May: discussion of interview videos
3 June: So Ra Jo

5 June: Jung Myeong Lee, followed by Saem Yoo
10 June: Su-Hee Cho,

12 June: Yong Heon Kim, followed by Soo Jin Kim

For May 29th, here are the preparations you need to make:

  • Be ready to talk about the following:
    • What was it like giving your interview?
    • How did you feel asking the questions you asked?
    • How do you think the other person felt answering those questions? Did she or he show his or her real feelings in words, expressions, or some other way?
  • Prepare a couple of questions for classmates, while watching the video. They can have any relation to the video topic, but the question should be properly structured (in terms of grammar), simple, and easy to understand. The question should not be a yes-no question, but instead offer the other person a chance to talk about something a little deeply!
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