The Forum is Up!

The Discussion forum for this class is now up and running. It is located here.

You will notice that several classes use the forum for their discussions. Each class has its own “category.” You are free to look at the other classes’ forum if you like, or you can block their “category” so that you won’t see their discussion, and will only see your own class discussions.

To join the forum, click on “Sign In” in the top right corner of the window. A new page will load, and you can click “Apply for Membership” (near the middle of the window) to join the forum. (After you join, you will need to wait a little while — maybe a day or two — so that I can approve your application. Make sure you use your real name for now, so that I can know it’s a student and not a spam robot who is trying to join the forum, okay?)

I’ll discuss the forum in class next week, but feel free to experiment with it for now. You can start by replying to the discussion I’ve already started in each class.  Remember, if you start a new discussion, to put it in the right “category” — that is, put the discussion into the right class!

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