The 5 most important people in my life.

       First of all, my parents exert influence on me. Actually, almost every people are influenced by their parents if they live together. ‘Live with some one’ means they can share their habit, thinking, behavior with each other. So, they can have similar life. I think that is very important thing. Moreover, Sometimes they played a teacher, a counselor, a leader role. These have enormous influenced upon my life. So, my life is out of existence without my parents and I don’t say about my life without them.

        Next, I influenced by two teachers. One teacher taught to me about enjoy of English language. I started studying of English language when I was 13years old. That time, I met him and I took his English class. One day, even if I didn’t studying many times, he praised about my English skill. After this, I studied hardfor match his expectations and as time goes by, he praised me, more and more. And then, I made remarkable progress in English and interest of English ability were growing. Other teacher implanted my self-confidence. He change over me from an inhibited person to an active person. The marvel is that he was English teacher, too! 

         Lastly, cartoonist Yazawa Yi. She presented about ‘life’ through her comic. I realized through her comic that goal of my life. Even though she is a perfect stranger to me, I’m already talk about life with her. Maybe, her comics will exert influence on me, continuous.