continual sexual violences

I saw the TV a few months ago about continual sexual violences. First, I was so scared. Criminals are divided into two types: one is the people who can be changed by training programs, and the other is the people who should be prevented by law. The TV showed about children sexual abuse. The director  interviewd criminals and victims. How was that? Criminals didn’ recognize what they did at all. They said that victims also liked doing that at that time. As a result of studies, psychologists came to a conclusion. Criminals had some mental problems, so they couldn’t recognize their fault at all. Therefore, it wasn’t an end that we sent them to prison for years. If they came back to society, they would do it again. Actually, they did.

In prison, there was a training program to change criminals. Trainers showed them an interview that had with a child. He was a victim of sexual abuse. He seemed to be abnormal. He was very distracted, hid under a table, and cried out. After seeing that, criminals didn’t say anything. Until then, they didn’t know what was wrong. They said that I did wrong, and I didn’t really recognize that people didn’t like it. On the other hand, there were people who thought they were right. Those criminals didn’t need any program. It didn’t work at all. They should be supervised in isolated area.  

Criminals usually have bad or wrong memories in their childhood. We used to say that most important parts are made up in childhood. Its power is very as strong as it can dominates our whole life. Now, many children are exposed to serious danger. Protecting them from it is what adults should do. The most important thing is not to enter a prestigious college. We should live as human. Don’t forget this.