Love Letter

Do you know a movie Love Letter? I don’t watch that movie yet, but I read a book Love Letter a few years ago. I don’t life romantic stories so much, but it is a little different style. It is a little mysterious, funny, and moving. I am moved by a last scene that a woman Itsuki sees her pitcture drawed by a man Itsuki. I read that scene in the subway going for school. If I was at home, I would cry out. I like both movies and novels, but I think novel is better. Because people depend on many parts for visualizations, the range of imagination should be narrowed. We can expect stories, but we never know features of characters in novel. We can imagine whole stories like watching movies in our brain. I can draw a picture on my head reading Love Letter. I don’t know real features of actors or actresses in the movie. I have different images compared the movie. It is my own movie, so I like reading books.