
There is more and more evidence every day to prove that our minds and bodies are closely connected. Negative emotions, such as loneliness, depression, and helplessness, are believed to cause a higher rate of sickness and death. Therefore, it’s possible that postive thinkg can help people remain in good...

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Music differences

Consider th differences in the behaviour of rock and classical music audiences. At a rock concert, the audeince will yell, whistl, sing along, and stamp their feet. They may even stand during the entire performance. The better the music, the more active they’ll be. At a calssical concert, in...

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We hear a lot these days about using less gasoline, oil , and other energy sources, ut using less is not going to slove our problem. What we need are other sources of energy,. The purpose of the administration’s energy bill is to encourage and promote thir development. Someday...

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American preisdents

Two of the presidents Americans most admire are George Washington and Abraham Lincoln; they are both respected for never lying. Im contrast, many Americans rememver president Richard Nixon as the only president forced to resign because he lied to the Amnerican people. During the presidential slsecton of 1972, burglars...

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What is Internet Addiction

Does your mom, your friend or your boyfriend or girlfriend ever tell you that you are spending too much time on the computer? That you are forgetting your responsibilities? That you are becoing irritable and unsociable? Have you ever stayed up until 4 a.m. surfing the Web, downloading music...

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The importance of relationships in business

In the business world, one of the most important elements for success is the relationships you have with others. You may have been a good student and you amy be a diligent worker, but you still need griends and contact. If you don’t have thse, you may not even...

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Lie is not always bad

No one is saying that you have to be completely honest all the time. most popel lie, often for a good reason. Lies are part of our everyday social life. Many times people lie to protect the feeling of other people, and there’s nothing wrong with that, So it...

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Horror movie

A good horror movie is easily distinguished from a bad one. A good horror movie, first of all, has both make and gemake victims. Therefore, everyone in the audience has a chance to identify with the victim. Bad gorror movies, on the other handm tend to concentrate on women....

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Mystery stories

Readers all around the world love mystery stories. The reason mysteries are so popular is that reading a mystery story is a kind of game with qustions. Readers try to find out why something happened or who did somthing, Inone type of mystery story. a famous detective is called...

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Guess what?

This is generally used in summer for the circulation of air. In Korea, this helps to keep rooms cool and shaded. This also makes the interier of a room almost invisible from the outside. Yet this allows a  person seated inside to see out, providing some privacy even when...

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