Grades Uploaded, and Next Semester
Hi there! Grades for this class have been uploaded. If you have any inquiries about your grade, please first read
Final Exam Files
Please download this PDF — it is the self-evaluation form for your final exam — and download the video of
Final Exam!
Hi everyone. Here are some notes on the final exam. DO NOT prepare a script. I can tell when you’ve
Announcement for Next Semester
Interested in Writing a Graphic Novel? In Fall semester 2008, there will be a special course offered under the name
Revised Schedule For the Next Few Weeks
I’ve made a couple of small changes to the schedule for the next few weeks. Please make sure to come
UPDATE on The Big Assignment
Folks! Please be careful when you read assignments. I checked what I wrote earlier, and it says that the person
Debate Moved…
A while ago, I asked you to prepare a debate that we would be performing in class. I said we
Homework Assignment
Hi there, On May 14th, I mentioned there would be one more big homework assignment in this class. Here’s a
Loanshark Group Evaluations
By the way, if you haven’t submitted a group evaluation for the Loanshark Presentation, please use the normal group evaluation
Discussions Schedule
Sorry this is so late. Because of all the Mondays off, and the School Festival later this month, we will