The military hardtack

Some people who don’t join the army wonder that what kinds of food they eat. To tell the truth, there aren’t any people to eat well than soldiers. Although they don’t like to eat for a meal, they have to eat. If they don’t have a meal, they will be punished because about ‘the loss of the combat capacity.’ It seems that the soldier is a fighting machine and they don’t have to have own preference. However, they must follow the rules because they finished ‘the liability for military service.’ In addition, the soldiers receive a subsidiary food and drink. ‘The military hardtack and beverage.’ Actually the military hardtack is a meal during a war, but it should be supplied, as they are close the time limit. A pack of the military hardtack contains 375Kcal, so it is enough to eat it instead of a meal. They eat three times a day and have a subsidiary food and drink. Some soldiers spend their all pay buying something to eat in the PX. As the result of them, most of the soldiers are getting fat. However, it is surprising that they always feel hungry. This is what is called in Korea, ’soldiers are always starving whenever they wear military uniforms!’ I agree. It is no joke.