Elementary Composition – Night

This site is a group effort by the students in Gord's Elementary Composition evening course at Catholic University!

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Wake up!

 Hello, everyone!

We are here today to get how to shake off sleepiness. A final exam is getting close. Almost all the students are worried about napping during exam time. So, here we have some tips for preventing a nap.

First, you can use how to stimulate sense. For example, you take a cold bath or expose yourself to the cold wind. Also, listening to noisy music is another method. Thing of this nature helps you to shake off sleepiness in stimulating a sense.

Second, Have some coffee. Because a caffeine is a powerful stimulant. But be careful of your health. If you have too much coffee, It cause you to side effect. It proper a cup of coffee a day.

Next, A simple stretching is helpful. If done properly, Basic stretching not only call your body but also increase flexibility. I introduce you some useful movement. First, With left hand, pull right elbow across chest toward left shoulder. Repeat on other side. Second, Interlace fingers and turn palms out and then extend arms in front at shoulder height. And then, hold 10 to 20 seconds. Fourth, Chewing a gum or nuts helps to you.

When you chew something, you use your teeth to break it up in your mouth. It have an effect on stimulating brain.

Still, Don’t you awake from sleep?

In that case, You’d better invest only ten minutes in taking a nap. You are going to take a long nap and then maybe you can study efficiently.