How Movies or Television Influence People’s Behavior?

Movies and television influence people in two way. One is positive and the other is negative. I think, all the influences have alternative attributes. Like, if we often watch foreign movies or television programs, positively we can see other cultures even we didn’t experience, so through thath, we can broden our knowledge about other culture. Then we can learn from other culture. In the negarive way, we can get the wrong general knowledge about other culture, because even we watched only one side of the culture, we easily can think that, that’s all about the culture.

I found more negative influences from movies and television. For the children, the cident movies and cartooms can infulence them to be violence. For youth, the are affected by the deterioration of the society. Because television programs and movies about the sexual relationships before marriage are rampant. Also generally, movies or television influence us mentaly and physically.

Because of all the things above, we have to shoose right prograns or movies to watch, and also we have to think about its influences before we watch.