I love Harry Potter

When I was in high school, my father bought the book Harry Potter for me and my sister.

At first I didn’t like it because I don’t actually like that kind of genre. I think these kinds of fantasy stories don’t make sense. However, my sister told me it is really nice and she recommend to me to read. So, I started to read it.

When I became interested in Harry Potter, I noticed that I had been prejudiced, because I thought fantasy novels were just about Dragons or the world of wizards. The beginning of the book was really boring to me. However as time gent on it, I become more interested in that book. The book has many characters and it has lots of new ideas that I never thought about. For example, the characters in the book, they use the word ‘Muggle’. Muggle mean the people who can’t do magic. In the book, there was a sport which called ‘Quidditch’. This sport uses broomsticks, and the rule of the game mixed with basket ball and soccer.

Many things that I couldn’t imagine at the real world are fascinating. This is the biggest reason that I love Harry Potter.


Why Teenagers Want to Get a Job?

Many teenagers want to get a job for their extra money. When partents don’t want them to job they might say “I want a job for an experience of what social work is like.” About the idea for teenagers to have jobs while they are still students, I partly agree but I actually disagree.
I partly agree if they could get very helpful job. Helpful job means the job which the students could learn something from that. If they are working in a place where there is nothing to learn, it means they waste their time and also it could affect them badly.
I disagree about teemagers having a job because if they have a job, they might hardly concentrate on their studies. I think the student’s job is studying. So they have to study hard and try to be first-rate student. And then, they could get the job even better jobs.
The other reason why I disagree is, if they have a job when they are teenagers or students they have to spend lots of time for work instead of getting together with friends. There are few things that only teenagers can do. If they didn’t do that, right now they feel alreight but as time goes by they will regret why they didn’t do. We have to make more memories with frends and sxhools intread of emrning money.
For me, it’s partly ok to having a job, if you think it could afect you in a good way. However, if you don’t have any reason why you need to work, you shouldn’t get a job. Instead of that, concentrate on your studies and connecting with your friends to make memories.

Has Prepared Food Change Help to Improved the Way People Live?

Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live?
Food has become easier to prepare. So that change the pattern of poeple’s life, because of the prepacked, canned, and frozen foods, we can save our time to cook. It happens also because of improve technoligy. The machines like refrigerator, microwave oven, gas stove and electric rice pot also help to reduce the time to cook. Because of these things, we can save out time and do other things. Also this kinds of thing affects the choldren’t as well as the adult’s eating habit, they became the cook by them-selves even they are young. Young children could cook it they know how to use microwave oven. Even the man who never cooked by himself can easily learn how to cook with microwave oven, beside these things we could eat healthfyl food easier than before.

How Movies or Television Influence People’s Behavior?

Movies and television influence people in two way. One is positive and the other is negative. I think, all the influences have alternative attributes. Like, if we often watch foreign movies or television programs, positively we can see other cultures even we didn’t experience, so through thath, we can broden our knowledge about other culture. Then we can learn from other culture. In the negarive way, we can get the wrong general knowledge about other culture, because even we watched only one side of the culture, we easily can think that, that’s all about the culture.

I found more negative influences from movies and television. For the children, the cident movies and cartooms can infulence them to be violence. For youth, the are affected by the deterioration of the society. Because television programs and movies about the sexual relationships before marriage are rampant. Also generally, movies or television influence us mentaly and physically.

Because of all the things above, we have to shoose right prograns or movies to watch, and also we have to think about its influences before we watch.

Earth Quake survivors face bird flu risk

There was big Earth Quake in Indonesia. It was happened at night so many people couldn’t defence themselves. Many people died foem that and some suvivors became homeless. Some quake survivors on Indonesia’s Java island have taken shelter in chicken sheds, exposing themselves to the rixk of contracitg bird flu and other diseases. More than 100 people left homeless by the quake were sheltering in six large poultry sheds built from bamboo. One shed was new and had not yet been used to keep chickens. Others, which had been cleared recently, were only partially cleaned and still had chicken droppings lying on bamboo slats.
As you know the prople who have lost their homes how have no option but to take shelter in places where the are rixk of constrating viruses. I think it is very dangerous situation and the government of Indonesia have to find another opitions for the people.

“Cool Biz” Dress-code Campaign Launched

While I was reading a newspaper, I saw one very interesting article. It was about Business dress-code. They said that the government is launching a campaign nest week to urge its people to dress lightly–without a tie or a jacket–in the summer to cut emergy comsumption and to lessen greenhouse gas emissions. I think it is really interesting campaign and really good try to save the earth.

I also think that if there were a ‘Cool school uniform’ Dress-code campaign lanched. Many high school and middle school students think their school uniform is not really cool. Especially for the boys, they have to wear the pants. I think if they changed their pants to shorts, it will be better I think.

Korean Students 2nd Worldwide in Math

Did you realize that our country students are really smart?>
The newspaper said that Korea;s junior high school students are ranked among the best in the world in mathematic, a U.S. reports showed on Friday. According to the report compiled by the U.S. Department of Education, Korea students aged 14 received an average of 589 on a 1000 point scale in mathematics in 2003, second only to Singaporean students whose score was 605. The U.S. report was based on a survey presented by the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study which analyzed and compared  acadimic performances by junior highschool students in 45 counrties including 30 members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. I was thought that Korean students are smart, but I thought it was just my own thought. So I was really surprised by this news.

Ever Land!!

Almost one month ago, my friends and I made a plan to go to amusement park which called Ever Land in Yongin at an anniversary of the founding of a school, because that day has no classes. The anniversary of the founding of a school was last May 25th. At that day, we met at 8o’clock and we arrived at Ever Land at 10. However, we could enter the park at 11, because one of my friend late almost one hour. She said she lost her way, so she was late. When I enter the park, I was so surprised because at the park, there were so many people even it was week day. I guess the reason why there were so many people was these days are the season of school excursion and Kindergarten’s picnic. I have to wait more than 30 minutes to ride rides. After ride rides, we went to garden which has a lot of roses and fountains. There were really beautiful so I couldn’t stop taking photos. We took a lot of pictures. At there, one of my friends Selin was wet because before I push her into the fountain, there was no water, but just after I push her the water suddenly come up. She was almost wet and she almost cry, I was really sorry so I squeeze her pants as hard as I could do to make it quick dry. At Ever Land we also went to safari so we could see the lions, tigers, and bears really closely. It was really interesting. At the park, I had really good time even I was a little bit tired. If someone gives me to go to the Ever Land, I really want to visit there again.

Martin Luter King Jr.

I heard the Martin Luter King Jr. believed in freedom and equality for all people. He was African-American minister with strong religious beliefs, and he was an excellent public speaker. He was main leader of the civil rights movement in the United States during 1950s and 1960s. He inspired by transcendentalists such as Henry David Thoreau and Manhandas Gandhi, so he led nonviolent protests such as sit-ins and marches all over the country to end segregation and gain equality. He won Novel Peace Prize in 1964 for his use of nonviolence act of 1965. However, he was assassinated during a protest march in 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee.

Abraham Lincoln

I could know him through the book about him. The book saids he was considered one of the most famous and greatest president in American history. He was born in 1809 in a log cabin in Kentucky. He educated himself at home using library books, and he also trained himself to become a lawyer. He was elected sixteenth president of the United States in 1860 and also he was re-eledted in 1864. He led the United States during the Civil War, and he believed the most important goal of the Civil War was maintaining the Union. He opposed slavery. He said “A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free.” and he issused Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, freeing many slaves. He was assasinated by John Wilkes Booth while attending a theater performance in 1865.

Guess Who?

Her hair is short curly hair. She is wearing white nike shoes. She is wearing gray colored keans, nevy colored shirts and zip up hood shirts which has big red rose on there. She is wearing silver necklace watch with lather band. She has small and well trimed maill. She has white face skin without make up. She has beautiful big eyes with double-edged eyelids.

How to Make Kimbab

You need a chunk of ham, a carrot, three eggs, a chank of pickled radish, some spinach, some rice, some salt, some sesame oil, and a couple of dried laver.

        First, put some sesame oil and salt into the rice and mix it well. Second, wash a carrot and spinach. Third, slice the ham, pickled radish, and the carrot, and make them thin and long. After then scald the spinach and fried the egg. If you don’t like to eat raw carrot, you can fry or boil them too. Next, spread the rice on the dried laver. Only spread rice two thired of the size of dried laver, and put the all stuff that you prepared. Finally, roll the dried laver with the stuff in it, and give them a little bit of pressure to keep the shape. Now, enjoy your Kimbab!!

Surprise Birthday Party

March 30th was my friend Tae-ho and my youngest sister’s birthday. I mat Tae-ho last semester. At that time I was taking CAP2 class with Se-lin who is my one of the best friend. At that class I met Tae-ho and Keun-tack who is not same major with us. Tae-ho, Se-lin, Keun-tack and me had a lot of chances to meet each other not only in the class but also at the O.B.F. They visit O.B.F. often, and they were friend with Ga-young who is my friend and one of the masters of O.B.F. So, they and I become close very quickly. Even though the semester finished, we keep in touch and sometimes we met and went to picnic. Now we are really close friends.

             I’ve been known that March 30th was Tae-ho’s birthday. Keun-tack, Ga-young, Se-lin and me start to make a plan for Tae-ho’s surprise birthday party. Actually Keun-tack Is really good at making a plan for the events. He decided to copy Tae-ho’s room key and having a party in there without announce. The day before Tae-ho’s birthday, we went to department store to buy his present and some food and fruits to eat at the party. And at the day, we sent a text massage to Tae-ho to make a appointment for the fake birthday party. We told him to meet at some restaurant. After prepare all the party, Se-lin and I sent a text massage again that we can’t go to your party because of some reasons. He seems to really disappoint but we were really excited. Keun-tack asked him to go to his home and get his stuff before he come to the place that we told him to meet for the birthday party. After he came to home, he trying to find Keun-tack;s stuff but he couldn’t find, and he tried to turn on the light. He couldn’t turn on also, however, because we made the light not to turn on. He starts to embarrassed and he notice something was changed in his room and we are doing something. At that time four of us was hiding in the restroom and prepare a cake and trying to turn the candle on. While trying to turn the candle on, Tae-ho suddenly opens the door of the restroom and he found us! We sang a birthday song and celebrate. He said very thanks and we were satisfied for our surprising party.

             It was my first experience to having a surprise party and I was really happy because the party was successful. I hope I could have a surprise party again. To see a friend’s happy face is really pleasure to me.

Many People Prefer to Eat Rice

In many countries, rice is the most important crop for their lives. There are some countries which prefer to eat wheat for their main food, however, still many countries think rice is best for their main food.

          Rice can be easily matched every dishes. Whatever you eat, with rice is better thatn others. Even it is not very tasty, it is very nutritious and gives us enough energy to live. Also even though you ate much rice, you are not getting fat compare to eat other foods.

Rice is Difficult to Raise

Many countries raise the rice for their main food. Actually many people knows that the rice is very good and wealth crop, and it is already in top 3 of the most important crops. Everybody also knows that rice is very nutritious food. But, why not the every countries raise a rice? That’s because rice is difficult and complecate to raise.

          To raise the rice, the most important thing is climate. If your country’s climate is too hot or too cold, you can’t raise good and tasty rice.

          The second reason why raising rice is difficult is to raise a good rise you need a lot of water, because it have to keep in the water when they are growing up. If your country have not enough water, you have to choose another crop to raise.

          Do you know that you need a rice field to raise a rice? Raising A rice is not like a raising vegetables. It need special field which is a little bit lower ground. The lower ground works for keep the waters in the rice field.

          To raise a vegetables we saw seed on the ground, but to raise a rice we first raise a seed at the rice seedbed. And to raise a rice, you need a lot of special skills and know how not like vegetables.

          Because of thease kinds of reasons, rice is difficult and some countries can’t raise even though the rice is very important and good food in their life.

Don’t Judge a Person by External Appearances

 In most cases, a person shouldn’t judge by external appearances. In many cases, sometimes when I walk down the street at night, I avoid people like migration workers from East South Asia. I feel they look dangerous because of their appearances. Their skin color is dark and there are so many rumors about migration workers are dangerous, but in general I prefer to reserve judgment until I get to know someone. Judge someone by external appearance can be deceptive. Judgment based on external appearances prevent you from getting know a person.

             In high school, I was one year older than my classmates, because I’ve been to abroad for one year. At first time my classmates avoid me because they though I am kind of ‘bad student’. As time goes by, after they getting know about me they start to be friendly with me. Later they told me my first impression was not so good but, after they know about my character and story, they could be talk with me and they realize that they shouldn’t judge a person by appearances.

              If you form an opinion of someone based on stereotypes you risk never getting to know someone who is different. You might miss out on an opportunity to have a good friend. And you are reinforce that stereotype by believe it with out given the person a chance.

             Judging people by external appearance is superficial and often unfair. After all, you do not know what circumstances the person might be face or who the person really is. Perhaps the person comes from a less fortunate wear. However, that does not mean the person is less intelligent or interesting than you.

             People should not judge new people they met, and should take a time to get to know them. External appearance often does not tell us anything about a person.

My School Life.

I’m a sophomore. Even though there are so many things that I have to study, I always enjoy my school life. Many people might curious what’s so enjoyable. I’ll tell you the reason. Actually I’m a member of on club which called O.B.F. If you are CUK student, you might hear about that name. O.B.F. is the name of English Café in the campus. I work there as a master. Master means the worker in the O.B.F. We decide to call us as a master because the café rolled by us.
           I really enjoy working in O.B.F. because there are so many benefits. The first benefit is I could practice my speaking skills in there. I went to abroad long time ago, so when I enter this café I almost forgot how to speak English. But now, I know how to speak even I’m not very good. I could get a confidence of speaking English. And I don’t need to spend money for going to the English academy.
           Second benefit is I could meet many kinds of people in the O.B.F. There are so many students who came to O.B.F. and want to talk with masters. Because of this I could make a lot of friends who is not same major with me.
           The third benefit is I could be friendly with foreign professors, and I could experience the western culture through the events in the O.B.F. In here, we have some events at special day in western such Halloween, Eater. And we also hold a Pops Concert at school festival. Be Friendly with foreign professors is also really helpful to improve my speaking ability and learn many culture things.
           Because of these kinds of benefits I really love to work at the O.B.F. and It helps me to having funny school life.


What makes adults drink alcohol?

      Many adults drink alcohol but we don’t quite understand why they drink. There are some reasons that drives adults to drink alcohol.

      The first reason is because of depression. During the life, there are so many things which make people depressed. To be surviving in our society, there are so many difficulties. So, life is never going easy. Not just like high school life. And also there are no many things to release stress for adults. Because of this many adults prefer to drink alcohol to release their stresses.

      Second reason is for celebration. Wherever there is something to celebrate, the alcohol is always there. Many adults like to drink alcohol because they believe that some alcohol helps the people more cheerful and funny. Actually that’s right little amount of alcohol is ok, however more than little would ruin the celebration. And for the high school students even small amount of alcohol could ruin the celebration because they are not yet ready to drink alcohol.

      Third reason is because of peer pressure. Some times many adults also don’t want to drink an alcohol but some peer asked him/her to drink together. At this kinds of situation most of people can’t say no because they are their friends.

      These three reasons are the biggest reasons which make adults drink alcohol. I’m not sure you could understand adults now, but please try to understand and do not imitate the adults when you are student.

Unlucky day..

Yesterday was really unlucky day to me.

DO you Know about Murphy’s Law?? As you know, I use that expression when everything go wrong..

This morning I rode a bus as usual, but there was so crowed notlike usual. At that time I had a one flie. In there, there was two thick books. So, I had really difficulty to stood up in the bus with a file, umbrella, and tumbler.

When I arrived at Yeokok(?) station, there was so many people who wants to take a school bus. I really don’t want to be late the class , so I decided to take a taxi instead. But even I took a taxi I late a class because the taxi didn’t come for a long time as unusual. And also! when I got off taxi I dropped my tumbler which I like the most.

That’ s not all!!

Four hours later, I had a English Grammar class. At that time I finally notice that I lost my file. Inside of the file there was two books. One is a grammar book that I used just once and the other book was new book wich I brought to change to the other book. I looked for everywere, but I couldn’t fine it and I finally realize that I leave it at the taxi which I took this morning. Oh my god!!

And on the way to home, my friend treated me a coffee because I had a really bad day. I was thanks to her but I spilt it on my trench coat which I borrowed from my mom just for today and also on the note and the back.

 Don’t you think I had really hard day?

After all the thing happens I was really depressed..

Didn’t ever had a day like me? I hate Murphy’s Law!!!!