Eunsuk’s article is coming!

Eunsuk emailed me yesterday. She apologizes, but she had to do some fancy footwork to get her interviews done for her article. She said she’d email it to me by Sunday evening, so I’ll check my email. Her article should be here for download by Sunday night, or at the latest early Monday morning (depending on when she emails it tonight).

Please check back. Remember, this article is the one you will critique on Tuesday, so think about the four points of critique:

  1. What is this article doing? (What effect does the author seem to want to have on the reader?)
  2. What’s working here? (What are the things the author is doing effectively or successfully?)
  3. What isn’t working here? (What are things the author needs to improve for the article to be successful?)
  4. Make one suggestion for improvement. (If you could make only one change to improve this piece of writing generally, what would it be?)
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