Next week (starting 12 April) we’ll be discussing The Harlem Renaissance. I’ll start with a short lecture on the subject, and then we will discuss some poems of Langston Hughes. There are a lot in this reading pack, so choose what you want to discuss, and prepare. As usual, I expect everyone will write 500 words in preparation for the discussion, as well as having a couple of questions ready for class discussion. Here’s the poems:
- Langston Hughes poems (.zip archive of .JPG-format files)
One of the chapters in the pack below is about Hughes, so you should probably give that a look too. There is also an introduction that gives some background on the Harlem Renaissance, and also a chapter on the world-famous celebrity Josephine Baker:
- The Power of Pride excerpts (.zip archive of .JPG foarmat files)
We’ll talk more about Hughes on Tuesday, and talk more about Baker on Thursday. (The presentation that was supposed to happen, if I remember right, will be happening a bit later.)