Day 14

Hi everyone,

We’re almost finished with the class! Today we reviewed the difference between Fact and Opinion, and how to tell them apart. You worked with a partner to create some supporting arguments for an opinion that is the opposite of your real opinion (based on a subject from the paper you got from another student).

Here’s an explanation of the homework and our plans for the rest of the course:


  • Read Topic Sentences for Opinion Paragraphs on page 189: it’s pretty simple, and just about good and bad topic sentences.
  • Complete Activities 4 & 5 on page 190, which are practice in recognizing good topic sentences and putting supporting sentences in the right order in a paragraph.
  • Read the Grammar for Writing material on Recognizing Word Forms and Common Suffixes on page 192, but please don’t memorize it. Just pay attention to the suffixes and see how many you recognize.
  • Complete Activities 7 & 8 on page 193, and Activities 9 & 10 on page 194-95.

That’s your last textbook homework for this class! Congratulations!


Remember that exercise we did where you and your partner developed three supporting arguments for an opinion opposite your real opinion? You should use those supporting arguments to write a paragraph supporting the opinion opposite your real opinion. Make sure you include a refutation of a popular supporting argument for your real opinion. (Review page 186-187 for more on refutations, and some goiod examples of how to write them.)


Don’t forget, your group Process Paragraph assignment (about how to do a specific impossible thing) is due on Thursday, at the beginning of the exam. It should be typed, using the template I uploaded earlier, and should have the names of all students who helped write it at the top of the page.


Tomorrow (on Wednesday, 13 January), we’ll review Choosing a Topic for an Opinion Paragraph.

On Thursday, 14 January, you will start class by handing in your group paragraph (the Process Paragraph explaining how to do an impossible thing) and then you will write your final exam. Like the midterm, the final exam will have two parts: Part 1 will be closed-book, and Part 2 will be open-book. You will have two (2) hours to complete the exam.

See you tomorrow!

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