Welcome to the Debate course!
Welcome to the Fall semester 2007. I am teaching two sections of the Debate course, one at night (pending sufficient enrollment) and one during the day. There are two separate pages for the two different classes, although sometimes posts will appear on both pages (like this one). Make sure you’re reading the right page so you don’t get the wrong information by mistake!
Right now there’s not much for me to say, except that you will be filling out this form and giving it to me. I’ll be giving you a copy in class, so don’t worry about printing it, but it’s always handy to have a spare.
Also, here’s a copy of the syllabus I wrote up for this class. It looks a lot nicer than the one the secretaries printed up, but I’m not going to waste paper giving you copies of this. You can print it yourself if you like, however.