Debate Location!
Sorry I didn’t post this earlier! The debate class exam will begin at 8:45pm in room 203 of the New
Exam Schedule Problem
UPDATE (Saturday, Dec 8th 2007): I just realized that the week after our scheduled exam date is the day of
Proposition for Debate next Wednesday!
The proposition up for debate is: “People should not be allowed to post content anonymously on the Internet.” Happy preparations!
Midterm Debate Audio Files
Sorry for the delay — I had some trouble encoding the files with decent sound and small enough size to
Rebuttal sheet Exercise
Here’s a two-page explanation and example of the rebuttal sheet I asked you to prepare. Two sheets (one pro, one
Long time, no update. Over the last few weeks, we’ve been discussing: How to build a position for a debate:
Website working…
I’ve heard from some students that this website was not loading over the weekend. I didn’t notice, but that doesn’t
Week 2, Class 1&2
This post is only for DAY students! If you’re a night student, ignore it. Today we broke up into groups
Welcome to the Debate course!
Welcome to the Fall semester 2007. I am teaching two sections of the Debate course, one at night (pending sufficient