Final Exam Files
Please download this PDF — it is the self-evaluation form for your final exam — and download the video of your final exam. Po-Ching, since you were nice enough to stand in for a missing student, you’re free to choose whichever exam you think you did better on for the purposes of self-evaluation.
Your files are being stored at MegaUpload. This is a free service, therefore the video will be deleted from the service after one month of not being downloaded. However, you should please only download your own video, as exams are private. When you click the link, a window will load, and you have to wait a few seconds before downloading the file. What can I say? That’s a little inconvenient, but it’s free, and the files are BIG!
Anyway, please remember to submit the self-evaluation form by Wednesday (let’s say, 6pm) to my mailbox at #205 Dasol Gwan, that is, at the English Language & Culture Department Office. The links to your video files are below.
GROUP 1: 9:00am-9:20am:
Yi Yu-Min,- Po Ching & Kyeong Eun,
- Po Ching & Eun Shil
GROUP 2: 9:40am-10:00am:
- Kum Hee Yoon & Hee In Jeon (Part 1, Part 2)
- Min Ji Kim & Yu Na Jeon
GROUP 3: 10:10am-10:40am (yes, this means SIX people, and it means you need to all arrive at 10:10am!)
GROUP 4: 10:40am-11:00am:
GROUP 5: 11:00am-11:20am: