“The Monsters are Due on Maple Street” and The Host, and next week’s homework…


Welcome to week 2 of our course. Today, I will talk a little bit about the ways we’re going to look at films in this course.

We will watch and discuss “The Monsters are Due on Maple Street,” which is an episode of the famous TV series The Twilight Zone. The episode is available on Youtube:

I will also talk about analyzing films, and what we can learn from culture. As an example, I’m going to present to you my own interpretation of the 2006 Korean film 괴물 (The Host).

While I didn’t use a powerpoint, the one I had prepared is here:

I believe that I asked you to fill out Student Information Papers for me, with a picture, but if I didn’t those will be due by the end of the week. Make sure to write FILM in the line specifying which course the paper is for.

As for your homework over Chuseok:

  1. I’ll give you a link for The Muppet Movie. You will watch it (if possible, with a younger relative or several of them, and subtitles for the kids) and think about it.
  2. I’ll post some questions to consider about the film soon, but remember: the best questions will come from inside your own heads.
  3. We’ll fill out the Student Information papers next time in class. Please have your photograph of yourself handy, and also print out a copy of the paper for use in class.
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