For 27/29 March
Last class, we began our discussion of the sitcom as a medium. My contention was that sitcoms are a powerful medium for communicating certain kinds of messages about the world — political and cultural messages, aesthetic values and more.
We watched (and discussed) an episode of Modern Family, which you should have re-watched and should be ready to discuss. To prepare for the 27 March discussion, please prepare some notes about the kind of messages you see in that episode of Modern Family. I will try to let you talk more, though I will step in somewhere later in the class session to present you with my reading of the show.
You will have some homework (yes, group work) from class on the 27th that will form the in-class component of our meeting on the 29th (a series of short presentations and discussion), so don’t worry about preparing for the 29th yet.
A reminder: Week 5 Group will be expected to announce their topic and preparatory materials on Tuesday, 27 March, for the following week (ie. for April 3/5).
Also, if you have not handed in your 500 words pre- and 500-words post-reading the articles I posted critiquing KONY2012, you are expected to hand those in ASAP. Thanks…