Coming Soon: Challenges Link!


I’m writing this on the evening of Thursday, 6 September. I’m going to update this post soon with a link to a page containing a full list of the Student Challenges you will undertake this semester. (Tonight or tomorrow.) Please check back soon to see the list, and remember my advice: start in on the first challenge as soon as you can — this weekend is probably a good time to start!

In the meantime (while you wait for the challenges) remember the homework I assigned in class?


You should write and print off (from a computer — no handwritten work please) a list of questions that are culturally inappropriate for conversations with a stranger in English. I mean specifically questions you might or might not feel comfortable asking a fellow Korean in the same situation, but should not (should never) ask someone when you are having a conversation in the English-language and cultural context. You will hand in that sheet at the end of class on Tuesday!

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