Your Final Exam Videos and Self-Evaluation
Hi everyone,
Sorry for the delay. For some reason, my video editing software kept uploading videos from your midterm exam everytime I tried to upload videos from the final exam. Finally, I sorted it out, but it took until today.
Now, there is a playlist on the gordsclass channel where you can watch the whole exam again — including your dancing, though the music is copyrighted and will probably be silenced sooner or later.
In any case, you can follow the link above, or simply press play in the video below. I’ve embedded the complete playlist into this page.
I will be providing written feedback for your exams after grades have been submitted. When it is ready for you to pick up, I will send you a message through the office or by email, using the address you input in the self-evaluation.
So please fill out your final self-evaluation here, and make sure to use your real email address.