Grades Uploaded, and Next Semester
Hi there! Grades for this class have been uploaded. If you have any inquiries about your grade, please first read
About Preparing for the Final Exam
A couple of students have come to me in a panic, wondering what they need to do to prepare for
The Name of the Book
I handed out a short excerpt for Thursday’s class, and said I would post the name of the book for
Announcement for Next Semester
Interested in Writing a Graphic Novel? In Fall semester 2008, there will be a special course offered under the name
Next Week
Hi there, I’ll be lecturing on June 3rd — and talking about your Final Exam, as well. There is nothing
Korean Pulp Resources Link
Masterly Master Lee is (I think) a Korean blogger who is very into Korean pulp culture. If you have a
For May 20th, and the Week After
For May 20th, we’ll be talking about The Sopranos a little bit, since it wasn’t discussed in class, we’ll compare
Treasure Island
Though my lecture tomorrow will discuss pirates in several different contexts, the most influential book on this version of the
May 6th, and for May 13th/15th
In class on May 6th, we checked out: Some clips from the TV program Rome and from Flags of Our
It’s Everybody’s War (new link)
Hi there! The Internet Archive link for the short film It’s Everybody’s War doesn’t seem to be working at the