Stories to Look at for Our Next Critique Session
Here are the stories for this Wednesday:
Remember, you will talk about:
- What effect you think the author wants to have in the writing, and what it’s “about” (themes, ideas, etc.)
- What you think is effective in the writing
- What you think is not so effective, or could be improved
- One single suggestion for the author to focus on, to get a general and wide-range improvement in the story
Please type up your notes formally, so you can pass them to each author. This will help you express your ideas more clearly in the short time you have for offering criticism. Bring two copies, as one copy is for my files. (You will get credit for the total number and quality of pieces of written feedback you provide, in addition to the verbal feedback you give.)
Remember, we will critique these three stories in class on Wednesday, March 24th.
Also remember, for Monday you are supposed to:
- Hand in a character sketch for a flat character
- Read the story “Flowers for Algernon” which I have given you to read.
We will be talking about “rounded” characters on Monday, and a similar homework assignment will follow.