Welcome to the webpage for the Understanding English & American Culture Through Film course (or “Anglo Culture Through Film” for short) for Fall 2010 at CUK. This page will contain copies of (selected) handouts, information on events and homework, and more.Here are copies of two important documents for our class:
- Student Info Sheet (PDF) which I will/have asked you to fill out with a partner and return to me ASAP
- Understanding English & American Culture Through Film syllabus (PDF)
Please note that the film list for the PDF above will change; given the relatively short notice I had when assigned this course, I am still getting films and planning right now.As for homework: due the week of Sept 13-17th, your main homework is to:
- Fill out a student information sheet with a partner. Include a picture, and return it to me on Friday, Sept. 17th.
- Write me 250 words on your favorite film, and why it is your favorite film.
- Check out this article on The Muppet Show, and this one on Jim Henson’s career. We’ll be watching either one of the Muppet movies, or The Dark Crystal, on Friday, and then discussing kids’ entertainment and its role in the cinema, so think about that too!
- Check out the clips below, from various episodes of The Muppet Show TV series:
(This song has been pretty popular, having been sung by everyone from Jason Mraz to Willie Nelson… check out Youtube if you want to see more…)
Finally, a full episode of The Muppet Show: follow the links to see the Carol Burnett episode… Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
See you on Friday!