Welcome to the webpage for the Public Speaking course for Fall 2010 at CUK. This page will contain copies of (selected) handouts, information on events and homework, and more.Here are copies of two important documents for our class:
- Student Info Sheet (PDF) which I will/have asked you to fill out with a partner and return to me ASAP
- Creative Writing II (PDF)
As for homework: for the week of Sept 13-17th, your main homework is to:
- Write me 250 words on your favorite book, and why it’s your favorite — I’m thinking of your favorite book of all time, by the way, so if it’s something you read when you were young, that’s fine too! (One of my favorite books is Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are, for example.)
- Write me 250 words on the writing project you are thinking of doing for this class: what genre, what kind of narrative or characters, and so on. (We discussed this in class on 14 Sept. but if you have not submitted me something, please do so.)
- Check out this short story: Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” by Rudyard Kipling.I meant for you to read this before our first class of the week, but realized I hadn’t updated the sidebar links for our classes, so it’s unfair to expect you to find the link in 24 hours. So I’ll assign it for Thursday, Sept 16th!
- Have your Creative Writing Course Blog address ready for me on Thursday. In class, I think I suggested you should use Blogger, though WordPress would be okay too. After you have created your blog, please submit it (and your contact information) using this poll.