Ferris Beuller’s Day Off
For next Tuesday, we’ll be discussing the film Ferris Beuller’s Day Off, a 1980s comedy about… well, you tell me. For those of you who cannot find a DVD to watch, there’s a link to the film on this page. It’s down where it says “Single Link”. Ignore the racing girl pictures at the top of the page and just scroll down to find it. The Fileserve link is the one you should use, as the other one won’t let you download a file this size. There are even English subtitles linked on the page above!
(And of course, if there are problems with the file, please let me know!)
For this discussion, would appreciate all students preparing a written reading on the course forum. It doesn’t need to be long, but I would like for you to make a thoughtful point or argument. You can post your ideas on this thread. I will talk a bit at the beginning of class — mostly about prison narratives, in fact — and then you will have a chance to ask one another questions, argue, and discuss.