Feedback Poll for Superheroes Discussion
Here is the Feedback form for the last panel discussion.I’ll be posting a feedback poll for the MP3 lecture later today. Please
Feedback Poll for Beats/Hippies Panel Discussion
Here’s the feedback poll for the panel discussion of the Beats and Hippies from today.
Feedback Poll for Panel Discussion #3: SF as a Foreign Language AND Lecture #3 — “The Beats and the Hippies” (plus reading materials)
Here is the poll for the most recent panel discussion. Click on the link to provide feedback. Remember, providing feedback
Lectures of “Flappers” and “SF & The Western Mind”
Mediafire, the file hosting service where I uploaded the Flapper Lecture, is somehow suddenly down. So I’ve created an archive
Second Update — Feedback for the Marilyn Monroe Panel Discussion
Hi folks, I just realized that I forgot to share with you the link to the feedback form for the
UPDATE: That Lecture on SF
My lecture on SF is coming, but I got busy and couldn’t finish preparing it in time (as of Saturday
Our Insane Schedule
Folks, Before I get into our schedule: we’ve lost a student, and predictably, he was scheduled to participate in the
The Flapper (MP3 Lecture & PPT)
Here, as promised, are links for downloading the Flapper lecture, and Powerpoint: The Flapper (MP3 lecture) The Flapper (PPT file)
Updated Panel Discussion Schedule
Folks, here’s the updated schedule for our class’s Panel Discussions and lectures for this semester, which I had to rearrange
Madonna and the Flappers Feedback Form
Folks,You can give feedback on the first panel discussion here.Thanks, and see you in a little over a week!