Grades Uploaded, and Next Semester
Hi there! Grades for this class have been uploaded. If you have any inquiries about your grade, please first read
My Remixes
Someone asked me why I haven’t produced a remix for you guys to enjoy. Well, the fact is, I do
Announcement for Next Semester
Interested in Writing a Graphic Novel? In Fall semester 2008, there will be a special course offered under the name
Creative Commons Media Sources
I said I’d post a link to some resources for finding Creative Commons media. Since your homework is non-profit, you
Another Public Photography Crackdown
Here’s another strange photography crackdown: in this case, security told the reporter photography was not allowed right after the spokesman
For the Next Two Weeks
Here’s the promised discussion schedule for the next two weeks: June 3rd: Clay Shirky’s video June 5th: Your final projects
Public Photography in Britain
This video‘s worth watching and thinking about! Have a look, and we’ll discuss it next week, along with further reading
Clay Shirky on Cognitive Surplus
Imagine a world where everyone hates living in cities. Cities are crowded, noisy, smelly, and dangerous. People in that world
More Mashups
Here are more mashups using Public Domain videos in the Prelinger Archives at the Internet Archive. Some are weird, some
Remix/Mashup Examples
Hi there. I promised some materials for you to explore the idea of remixes and mashups, to consider as examples