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Uploading your Video – Gord's Classes

Uploading your Video


A lot of people have told me they’re having trouble uploading videos to Youtube, especially from iPhone 3G.

I don’t know whether Naver is being unfriendly, or you guys don’t use the Internet much, but Google turned up a ton of links like this one, which shows how to do it easily… And if your video is too big, well, then go have a look at Windows Movie Editor (which is free) to resize it.

Come on, folks! It’s the Internet era. The answers to a TON of technical questions are at your fingertips, if you only bother to go and look! You don’t need me holding your hand… I know you can figure this stuff out, if only you go out and search for an answer online. There’s lots of stuff like this that no class or school will ever teach you, but which you can learn if only you try.

Good luck.

I hope that helps.

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