Hi everyone. Here’s a copy of the exam you wrote. Feel free to use it while studying. But I repeat,
Sorry! (Powerpoint Coming)
Sorry everyone! I’ve tried a couple of times to upload my powerpoint file, and it failed. I think it’s too
Update — the Show! (Club 빵!)
Update: the show we’ll be seeing on Saturday night (7:30pm) is one at Club 빵, in Hongdae. Yeah, as in
Hey everyone, I’ve been slow to update, but here it goes: READINGS: I’ve decided to assign an essay by Cory
The War of the Worlds, Radio Version
If you visit the Wikipedia page on the War of the Worlds radio broadcast, you can find links at the
The Exam, and The War of the Worlds
Everyone! Our panel discussion tomorrow (April 16th) will be about censorship, ratings, and control in Korean media. I expect that
For the Panel Discussion
Here are some links to videos that will be discussed in the Panel Discussion on April 2nd: Jeon Ji Hyun
Things to Read Up About
Today’s panel discussion was interesting, so we’ll follow up next time with a discussion of advertising. I asked you to
Panel Discussion #2: Gender and Sexuality in Advertising
Here are some ads for today’s discussion (and more will be added afterwards, I hope):
Student Info Sheet (Old)
I couldn’t find the original file for the Student Info Sheet, so I’m going to upload the old one for