Grades Posted
Hi folks, I’ve posted your grades for the semester on UCUPS. Now, before you email me to request a higher
Your Final Exam Videos and Self-Evaluation
Hi everyone, Sorry for the delay. For some reason, my video editing software kept uploading videos from your midterm exam
Want To Be An Extra in a Movie?
Folks, I don’t usually post about my personal pursuits, but I am involved in an amateur filmmaking team. We’re shooting
For Next Time
Folks, For next time, we’re going to be: … doing an exercise involving arguments. Make sure you have a Policy
In Preparation for Your Quiz
Folks, In preparation for your quiz, here’s some advice: Practice creating fallacious statements: that is, practice making specific fallacies on
Presentation Contest & Mosaic
Hi everyone! Here are the dares and times for the Presentation Contest: 11/19 (Mon) 17:00 @ IH267 11/20 (Tues) 17:00
Two Lists of Fallacies
Folks, I promised a list of fallacies. I published one, but not to this class — it was under another
Movie Night: Date & Time Change & Upcoming Events
UPDATE (6 Nov. 2012) : I promised to post about the dates and times of other upcoming events in our
Your Midterm Exam
Hi folks, I was very happy last night because I managed to upload all of your videos to my class
Homework for Wednesday
Folks, Your homework for this Wednesday is to prepare a song in English. You will sing it in class, in